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A. YES .... The Serbs, which appear to be the original name for the Slavik people, once covered large parts of Europe, into the British isles and also throughout Russia and beyond. Like the rest of the world before the appearance of semetic religions, the Serbs worshipped a variety of Gods. As well as a Supreme source from which everything comes, like the Vedas, the Serbian people recognised a cosmic administration within this universe, powerful beings, gods with a small g, whose sincere worship could bestow elevation and earthly benedictions. In the Vedas we have Indra, the God of thunder, the administrator in charge of the higher planetary system known as heaven. The Serbs worshipped Yndra, the supreme God of thunder who battles to defend his heavenly realm known as Svarga Log. These two personalities, Indra and Yndra, are obviously one and the same and the Serbian Svarga Log is simply the Vedic Svarga Loka, the heavenly abode of Lord Indra.
The Serbians inherited from Vedic culture the concept of a three tiered universe, heaven, earth and the underworld. The Trimurti of the Vedas is also there in the form of the creator, the maintainer and the destroyer. In Slovenia the pre-eminent symbol of the nation is Mount Triglav, a mountain possessing three peaks and named in honour of the Serbian God Triglav. Triglav means three heads and similar to the Vedic Trimurti it depicts the three Gods of creation, maintenance and destruction. The names of these Serbian Gods are Visnji, Ziva and Brajanj. Compare this with Visnu, Siva and Brahma, the Trimurti of the Vedas and we can conclude that both these cultures are intimately related. We also have Mount Troglav which is the highest peak of the Dinara mountain range and once again named in honour of the Slavik/Serbian God Triglav. Throughout the rich Slavik/Serbian culture, the folk songs, ceremonial prayers and the book of Veles, Triglav is frequently mentioned and in one verse it says the following " May our cattle be healthy, all the cows and sheep. All the kids, the lambs and the great big horses which carry our heroes. Dear soldiers of the God Triglav, Triglav the holy trinity, Visnji the creator, strong Ziva the destroyer and Branjanj the protector ".
In Poland, in the capital city of Stettin, which is now named Szczecin, there was once three hills, of which one was dedicated to the three headed deity of Triglav. Triglav was its chief deity, its three heads were made of gold, its lips and eyes covered by a golden veil. Triglav, as declared by the priests, ruled over earth, heaven and hell. Eventually these deities were destroyed, their golden heads chopped off and sent to Rome as evidence that the Plobabian Serbs had converted to the "peace loving" Christians. This same Serbian tradition from where these folk songs and culture came, declare that Triglav lives in India and India was once the home of the Serbs. The following is taken from an old Serbian folksong called the children of India. "From your tree a branch are we. We are too children of Hindustan, you do not know of Serbs, we know of you. We think of you, sing of you from Himalaya to Hindukush, with you is our heart and soul ". As well as a pantheon of deities which very much resemble the Devas of the Vedas, the Slavik language of the Serbian people are full of Sanskrit words. Below are a few examples.


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