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Why This 10,000 Room Hotel Has Never Had a Single Guest

The world’s biggest hotel stands along a wide sandy beach on the German island of RĂ¼gen in the Baltic Sea, a big hotel stretching three miles. It has 10,000 bedrooms and they the sea. The most surprising thing is that no guest has ever stayed in this hotel, yet it was built more 70years ago. 
The reason is because the Prora beach resort was built between 1936 and 1939 by the Nazis on Hitler’s orders. The big project was never completed because during the same time Hitler was preparing for war, which he prioritized.
This made the theatre, the eight housing blocks and cinema to stay as empty shells. Thus the swimming pools and festival hall never materialized

 A lot of people from Hamburg took refuge in one of the housing blocks during the Allied bombing campaign

Later After the war, the East German army used Prora as a military outpost. The buildings were empty since German reunification in 1990

Part of the Nazis’ “Strength through Joy” (“Kraft durch Freude,” KdF) program was the vast complex, designed to accommodate 20,000 visitors

The intention was to spread Nazi propaganda and provide leisure activities for German workers 

 The buildings are about 500 feet (150 metres) from the beach and extends approximately 3 miles (5 km)

 All major construction companies of the Reich and around 9,000 workers participated in this project, during the few years that Prora was under construction
 When World War II started in 1939, the construction of the building on Prora stopped and workers moved to weapon factories

The beach lies on the expansive bay between the Sassnitz and Binz regions, which is known as Prorer Wiek. It is on a narrow heath of the Prora which divides the lagoon of the Kleiner Jasmunder Bodden from the Baltic Sea. 

Developers have come with a new vision of building hundreds of holiday apartments, which include cafes, discos, hotels, sports halls and swimming pools to attract many visitors

Typical to Third Reich architecture, it’s stark and overbearing by walking up to it, must have felt oppressive.


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