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by Swami Ranganathananda ,The Ramakrishna Math (Belur Math)  The lamp that was lit in India in the sixth century BC lit the hearts of millions and millions of people in Ceylon (Sri-Lanka), Central Asia, China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, and Indonesia in the succeeding centuries. Through Buddha, India established silken bonds of fellowship and love with the people of Asia. The process forms one of the arresting episodes of human history. The Indian Tradition Before Buddha When Buddha appeared on the Indian scene, India had already lived a life of over two thousand years comprising the Mohenjodaro or pre Vedic, the early Vedic, the later Vedic and the Upanisadic periods of her history. The first two of these periods were characterised by remarkable civic and social developments and religious and philosophical questionings. A high level of material and civic culture is evident in the Mohenjodaro period. A spirit of dynamic faith and enthusiasm i...

Vedism & Quantum Physics

The basic oneness of the universe is not only the central characteristic of the mystical experience, but is also one of the most important revelations of modern physics. "The most important discovery in the history of science" -Prof.Henry Stapp, Quantum  physicist. Bell's Theorem-Vedanta and Quantum Physics :  Human consciousness and the physcal world  'Om Isha vasyam idam sarvam, yat kincha jagatyam jagat'  " All this- whatever exists in this changing universe, is pervaded by God"   -Isa Upanishad "Om purnamadah purnamidam purnaat purnamudachyate, purnasya purnamadaya purnamevaavashishyate"  "That (pure consciousness) is full(perfect); this(the manifest universe of matter; of names and forms being maya) is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that remains is fullness." -Peace invocation- Isa Upanishad.  The Supreme Brahman...