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Kali Yuga

From The Mahabharata, Vana Parva, Section CLXXXIX Vaisampayana said:  Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, once more asked the great Muni Markandeya about the future course of the government of the Earth.  And Yudhishthira said:  O thou foremost of all speakers, O Muni of Brigu’s race, that which we have heard from thee about the destruction and re-birth of all things at the end of the Yuga, is, indeed, full of wonder. I am filled with curiosity, however, in respect of what may happen in the Kali age. When morality and virtue will be at an end, what will remain there! What will be prowess of men in that age, what their food, and what their amusements? What will be the period of life at the end of the Yuga? What also is the limit, having attained which the Krita age will begin anew? Tell me all in detail, O Muni, for all that thou narratest is varied and delightful. Thus addressed, that foremost of Munis began his discourse again, delighting that tiger of the V...

Buddhism in China, Japan and Korea

By Swami Abhedananda, Sri Ramakrishna Vedanta Math,  (Belur Math), Calcutta, India . In 522 AD Buddhism was introduced in Japan by a Chinese Buddhist, Shiba-Tatsu by name, who lived in Japan as a naturalised Japanese subject. He built a small temple of Buddha at Saktahara in Yamato. But at this time Buddhist doctrines did not become popular among the Japanese. It is well known to the historians that in 65 AD China sent a mission to India to bring some relics of Buddha and some copies of the Buddhist scriptures. The mission returned to China after two years in 67 AD. Within three centuries after this, Buddhism was well established in Korea. The king of Hakusai, in Korea sent a golden image of Buddha and some of the sacred scriptures to the Mikado of Japan in 522 AD. In the following year the Mikado had an image of Buddha carved out of a log of camphor-wood tree that was found ashore near the capital and had it set up in his palace. In 554 AD nine Buddhist monks came from Ko...

Universities in Vedic Culture - Kali Yuga (3000 years On wards)

The following topics are researched and the text written by Sadhu Brahmaviharidas  AARSH - Akshardham Centre for Applied Research in Social Harmony Taxila University:         Around 2700 years ago, as early as 700 BCE there existed a giant University at Takshashila, located in the northwest region of Bharat. Not only Aryans but also students from as far as Babylonia, Greece, Syria, Arabia and China came to study. 68 different streams of knowledge were on the syllabus. Experienced masters taught a wide range of subjects. Vedas, Language, Grammar, Philosophy, Medicine, Surgery, Archery, Politics, Warfare, Astronomy, Accounts, commerce, Futurology, Documentation, Occult, Music, Dance, The art of discovering hidden treasures, etc. The minimum entrance age was 16 and there were 10,500 students. The panel of Masters included renowned names like Kautilya, Panini, Jivak and Vishnu ,harma. ...