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Was Kaaba A Vedic Temple !!

Aditi Chaturvedi Vedic Past of Pre−Islamic Arabia − Part 1 Many centuries before false prophet Paedophile Muhammad and the  destructive advent of Islam, Arabia or Arabistan was an extremely rich  and glorious center of Vedic civilization. In this article, I will  prove to you point by point that pre−Islamic Arabia was in fact a  flourishing civilization which revered Vedic culture. It is the false prophet and the followers of Islam who are fully  responsible for the dissemination and destruction of this once  glorious culture. In learning about this most ancient heritage, let's begin with the  word Arabistan itself. Arabistan is derived from the original Sanskrit  term Arvasthan which means The Land of Horses. Since time immemorial  proponents of the Vedic culture used to breed exceptional horses in  this region. Thus eventually the land itself began to be called Arva  (Horses) −Sthan (place). The people who lived in t...

Culture & Civilization

By Swami Smaranananda Maharaj [ Swami Smaranananda is a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order and the Vice President of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission] The words 'culture' and 'civilization' have been often used synonymously, though they have clearly defined meanings differentiating them. 'Civilization' means the betterment of ways of living, making Nature bend to fulfil the needs of humankind. It includes also organizing societies into politically well-defined groups working collectively for improved conditions of life in matters of food, dress, communication, and so on. Thus a group considers itself as civilized, while others were looked down upon as barbarians. This has led to wars and holocausts, resulting in mass destruction of human beings. Therefore civilization by itself cannot be the goal of life.  On the other hand 'culture' refers to the inner man, a refinement of head and heart. One who may be poor and wearing chea...